Music Player Project
Specify, design, implement and debug a multiple threaded embedded project using a real-time operating.
Overall Requirements
Create a music player for the LPC2378STK reference platform (in the vein of an MP3 player)
Simplification: play an 8-bit Wave file
Include method to Start, Stop, and indicate play in progress
- Produce a written specification.
- High level description of your project’s feature set.
- What will be implemented
- How it will work
- Description of the functional blocks
- Each tasks or group of tasks
- How they work together
Produce a diagram that shows the system design, indicating all threads,
ISRs, Queues, Semaphores, mailboxes (IPCs) and major interfaces
Deliver the working code, with directions for operation.
Create at least one device driver using driver model to control HW function.
Optional Requirements
- Display operation status on the LCD display
- Display operation status on the LEDs
- Download the file to be played via the serial port (requires a host app)
- Add a Help system
- Add Pause, Fast Forward, Reverse support with a UI
- Add other formats such as MP3 and PCM
Project Hints
- Follow a good process: Start with a plan, understand the requirements, specification, design
- Implement a base system first, then add bells and whistles
- Use the MP3 sample code.
- Use the course discussion boards to discuss design ideas, problems, etc.
- Take advantage of the class - bring in your design diagram and we can review it.